Monday, July 29, 2013

Plagues- Week 2

Beforehand read Exodus 9

Memory Verse:
"The wicked die and disappear, but the family of God stands firm." Proverbs 12:7

This cow's coloring page can be found HERE.
I thought this would be perfect for the kids to color or finger paint.

Make a special cow hat! The tutorial can be found HERE.
I thought these hats would be perfect to wear during the story and telling about the livestock plague.

Make a fun cow mask. The tutorial and an alternative mask can be found HERE.

My thoughts on a snack might be a bit on the "weird side." My first thought was "Cow Pie." So how about a Chocolate Cream pie? Or a Chocolate pie with the whipped cream in the pattern of a cow?

Share with the kids the plagues mentioned in Exodus 9. Point to each of the plagues on the chart you made for last week's class Plagues-Week 1. Focus on how God was making a distinction between the Israelites and the Egyptians.

Memory Verse Games:

  • Memory Verse Hot Potato. Pass the ball around and everyone says one word from the memory verse but IN ORDER! If someone takes too long to come up with the right word, or says the wrong word. They're "out" until you start a new game. For younger kids, be lenient. The point is to learn the verse. When everyone has the verse down pat, pass the ball faster. It makes for lots of giggles.
  • Memory Verse Balloon Pop. String balloons together, writing one word from the verse on each balloon, in order. Say the verse together a few times. Then, start popping balloons and repeat the verse filling in the missing word from memory. Do this until all the balloons have been popped. This is a FANTASTIC game to play if the kids seem to be bored or not connecting well to the lesson. It wakes them up and pulls them back in. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Plagues- Week 1

Beforehand Read: Exodus 7-8
Make your own 10 Plagues chart to help the kids see and learn the different plagues.

Memory Verse:
"Praise the Lord; Praise God our Savior! For each day he carries us in his arms. Our God is a God who saves! The Sovereign Lord rescues us from death." Psalm 68:19-20

Origami Frog- You can find the directions HERE.

Styrofoam Frog- You can find supply lists and directions HERE.

Frog Cookies- Directions and Supplies found HERE.

Exodus 7-8. Summarize these two chapters for the kids. Make sure to mention all the plagues mentioned and point them out on the chart (mentioned above).

Memory Verse Game Ideas:
Print out THIS COLORING PAGE. Have the kids write the Memory verse on the Frog's stomach.

Bricks without Straw

Beforehand Read Exodus 4:18-6:13

Memory Verse:
"Morning, noon, and night, I cry out in distress, and the Lord hears my voice."-- Psalm 55:17

Craft: Popsicle Stick Puppets
Check out this WEBSITE for inspiration. The pictures are SO cute! I decided to take the same idea, but make puppets of Moses, Aaron, and Pharaoh using coloring pages I find online. 

Cut out Moses from this coloring page. You can choose to have this image be both Aaron and Moses, just have the kids color him different colors.

Color Pharaoh, Moses, and Aaron and glue them onto Popsicle sticks. Use these while you're sharing the story.

Have brownies or rice crispy treats stacked like bricks. 

  • Exodus 4:18-6:13
    • Communicate that even when things get really tough, God knows what he's doing and He has a plan.
    • Start with having Legos available for the kids to play with. It's easy to build something if the legos are right in front of you. Hide Legos all around, in easy and hard places (for a 4 year old). Have them go around, picking up the legos and building. It's not as easy to build fast if you have to go find the pieces. That's the problem that the Hebrews faced.
** Even though things seemed really bad for the Israelites, God still had a plan to rescue them from slavery. Even though it seemed impossible that Pharaoh would ever let them go, nothing was impossible to God!

    Memory Verse Game Ideas
    Rainbow Words- Write the memory verse using every color from a Color Pencil box. This would be a total of 12 times. 
    Disappearing Words- Write the memory verse on a Dry Erase Board. Say the verse together twice. Erase a word or two and say the verse together. Keep erasing words and saying the verse until all the words have disappeared. 
    Draw a Picture- Ask the kids, "What does this verse mean?" Have them respond by drawing a picture and telling you about it.