Friday, May 3, 2013

God's Plan Fulfilling

Beforehand Read Genesis 40-41

Memory Verse:

  • "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13
  • Option 1: 
    • Create a Comic Strip View of Joseph's Life.
      • Joseph with Coat of Many Colors
      • Joseph in Pit
      • Joseph Sold as a Slave
      • Joseph Running from Sin
      • Joseph in Prison
      • Joseph Before Pharaoh
      • Joseph Made Ruler
        • You an have the kids draw these events or you can find color pages that either are or represent these events. 
        • Tape them to the wall in order.
  • Option 2:
    • Create a timeline of the above mentioned events but in a way that kids can decorate. Think 7 Mini Crafts!
Snack Combined with the Story:
  • Grape Juice
  • A bread (donut or muffin or an actual slice of bread)
  •  S'mores (Made using graham crackers, vanilla frosting and mini chocolate chips). 
Story: Genesis 40-41:
  • Read them these chapters or retell it from memory.
    • Chief Cup Bearer- tell the kids his role in Pharaoh's court. While telling his dream, give the kids a glass of juice to drink.
    • Chief Baker- Tell the kids his role in Pharaoh's court. Give the kids a bread of some sort to eat (donut, muffin, french bread with a delicious topping, etc.)
    • Pharaoh- tell the kids who Pharaoh is. While telling his dream, give the kids a snack fit for a king... S'MORES!
Memory Verse Games

  • Act it out.
    • Brainstorm motions with the students to match their memory verse. When children learn movements they are less likely to “lose it” from their memory.
  • Post It Cover Up
    • For this activity write the memory verse on the front board of the classroom. Practice reading it once together and then use post-it notes to cover up one of the words. Then, practice reading the verse again followed by covering up a second word with post-it notes. Continue this pattern until the entire verse is covered and the children are saying the verse from memory. This is an interesting spin on traditional drilling of a verse by repetition. You could also reverse the game beginning with some words covered and have children guess the missing words.
  • Find, Assemble, and Read
    • Put each word from the verse onto separate sheets of paper. Hide them around and have the kids find the words. Once the kids have found the words, congregate at a meeting spot and assemble the sentence and read them.
  • Pudding Words
    • Smear pudding on cookie sheets. Using their fingers, have the kids write the memory verse in the pudding.
  • Pudding Pictures
    • Smear pudding on cookie sheets. Using their fingers, have the kids draw what they learned from the lesson in the pudding.

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