Monday, March 11, 2013

Loading the Ark


Read Genesis 6:19-22
            Bring a pair of every kind of animal—a male and a female—into the boat with you to keep them alive during the flood. Pairs of every kind of bird, and every kind of animal, and every kind of small animal that scurries along the ground, will come to you to be kept alive. And be sure to take on board enough food for your family and for all the animals. So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him.

Owl Cupcake Snack:

·         Chocolate or Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Frosting
·         One Oreo for the eyes
·         M & M’s for the beak and the eye balls.

Elephant Craft:

·         Three Paper Plates
·         Paint
·         Construction Paper

Memory Verse:

Genesis 7:9- They entered the boat in pairs, male and female, just as God had commanded Noah.

Memory Verse Game Ideas:

·         Act it out.
o   Brainstorm motions with the students to match their memory verse. When children learn movements they are less likely to “lose it” from their memory.
·         Post It Cover Up
o   For this activity write the memory verse on the front board of the classroom. Practice reading it once together and then use post-it notes to cover up one of the words. Then, practice reading the verse again followed by covering up a second word with post-it notes. Continue this pattern until the entire verse is covered and the children are saying the verse from memory. This is an interesting spin on traditional drilling of a verse by repetition. You could also reverse the game beginning with some words covered and have children guess the missing words.
·         Find, Assemble, and Read
o   Put each word from the verse onto separate sheets of paper. Hide them around and have the kids find the words. Once the kids have found the words, congregate at a meeting spot and assemble the sentence and read them.

Additional Game Ideas:

·         Memory- Matching animal pairs.
·         Create Animals out of Playdoh.
·         Create More Paper Plate Animals

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